I am so grateful you're here. I wanted to formally introduce myself.

So, who am I?
I am. . . a woman who was tired of taking life's stress out on her body.
. . . a woman who fell into the scroll hole / comparison trap of #fitspo.
. . . a woman who struggled with depression.
. . . a woman who was constantly looking at my body and not appreciating it.
. . . a woman who wanted more in life.
I want more for women.
I want women to be free of debilitating thoughts around and food and their bodies.
I want women to feel worthy.
I want women to create their authentic version of health, happiness, and whole body wellness.
I've spent much of my young life struggling and wish I'd had someone to help me along the way. I'm here to tell you that I really want to help you, if you need it.
xo Gigi